Money is what money does!

“You can be young without money, but you can’t be old without it.”
― Tennessee Williams

Imagine a situation where growing up, you always went to big designer showrooms or those lovely unique but expensive boutiques or your parents bought you that coveted sports car, in short you had all the finer things laid out for you, and growing up you acquired expectation to have even better in life, but as soon as you were on your own, got your own apartment, started paying bills and the parents you got you through all along weren’t there  to dot on you like they did. Hence this sudden face to face with outside reality hit you in the face like a pumpkin thrown at you and left you feeling vulnerable and upset. You are confused as to what went wrong. The side effects, you stack up credit card bills, yourself esteems dips, your impulsive money spending habits drain your finances as well as affect you emotional well being.

As children, we begin to form our beliefs and attitudes about money through value-laden messages that are passed on to us by our parents, grandparents, and society. These ideas associated with money, most stick with us through our lives. To liberate oneself of the old ideas and to form new habits that support our current lifestyles without feeling like you have to give up on your dreams and hopes


Here is what you can do to help you situation, if you feeling confused and want help changing your attitude towards money. Because your beliefs towards money are nothing but thoroughly practiced thoughts and they can be manipulated and changed.


What is your earliest money memory?

Were you given an allowance for the chores you did around the house? Were you just given money for school field trips etc?  Digging up your earliest money memories will help you unearth why you view money as you do. If as a kid money came easy, as a grown you might expect the same but if there is a lack of the same, you feel disappointed and start to avoid any money related confrontation.

How Was Money Used in Your Family?

If you ever felt that money was tight in the house, you might seek liberation as a grown up, doing all the spending that frees you up from that childhood money claustrophobia, but that is  one way to look at it, different people react differently. Thinking about this will help you understand your money spending pattern.

What Were Your Parents’ Spending and Saving Patterns?pig

It’s important to reflect on how your parents spent money, because if you parents spent all their money on raising you and giving you the best in life, there is a chance that  person developed guilt and didn’t enjoy receiving those treats and grew up to depriving himself of the things he needed and could easily have.

When Did You Start Earning Your Own Money?

Did it make you feel empowered and independent or did you still feel like you had a long way to go. If you feel like you have long way to go, determine how long, because there is a big chance that your answer might be never. Money can be called the center of the universe in some views; it defines how your exchanges in society are seen. So if you are not happy with the money you make, determine, why not? It could unrealistic expectations or other emotions you associate with money baggage.


What Do You Expect From Money?

In my case, I want to earn enough money not to have to think about twice if I want to go to fine dining restaurant or an impulse buy of a sweater I saw on a mannequin in a mall, which is not too much to ask. So set you expectations from money and build your life around it. Maybe you want to own a house in two years or have substantial savings. Set you expectations right.

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Register on, it’s a website designed to answer all you wellbeing needs and it has a dedicated segment to calculate your wealth. All one has to do is input expected and current spending, assets, loans, debt etc. Even the minutest details like your monthly grocery spending to your monthly spending on coffee etc can be incorporated. Anything you would like. All these details are automatically calculated to show you your current financial state. is safe and online. But the most interesting part is that you can integrate all your financial information with other segments of the websites, which are project planning or to-do lists or set reminders about your various installment details, anyway you like.

The real idea behind this design is to help a user organize as well we confront his current financial status to make more customized decisions.

Once you figure out what role money plays in your life, you can start monitoring the patterns to build a life as you want it.